2016년 9월 4일 일요일

Family Trip to Chicago

Family Trip to Chicago

Since we went to LA, San Diego, and Las Vegas 10 years ago, this is the first time ever we all four went vacation together except Korea visit. Euna planned all this trip and Brian was also joined at the final moment. The air tickets were also very cheap ($77 round trip, Spirit) and booked hotel through Priceline.com and it turned out great (Hyatt Regency Chicago).

We all had a great time during the Chicago travel and I leaned another lesson this time.
"I AM NOTHING" under the Christ (Christ+ian=Christian).

I had a chance to see many other people traveling inside the Chicago city from all over the world and I had realized I am just one of them and I felt small and I am just a lay person like others.

The life I had lived so far was the His Grace. Thanks God and thanks all my beloved wife and sons.

Today's word to you are followings.

Proverbs 4:23 (잠언4:23)
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
모든 지킬 만한 것 중에 더욱 네 마음을 지키라 생명의 근원이 이에서 남이니라

Father-Son Hangout 10

Actually this is family camping out with Dr. Chae's family at Reedsville Chesapeake bay resort

We went camping with Hyungseok's family and enjoyed crabbing, camp fire, making s'more, cooking, and relaxing. The weather this year was a little bit hot and humid, but Dennis and I liked it. Euna and Lio were also there but they stayed most of the time at the cabin with air-conditioned.

Brian was just returned from his trip to L.A. and San Diego with Sistani and Andrew and busy for scribing and could't join us at the camping.

I think one of the most important value of family gathering is making memory together and this is one of them. We're looking forward to going to Chicago next week.

Dear my beloved sons, try to make many memories with your future wife and children as many as possible when your children are young. That's today's short advice.

2016년 7월 20일 수요일

Father-Son Hangout 9

We went Nationals game for annual Kim's family men hangout

It was a beautiful day to watch baseball and Reynold Lopez's MLB debut (Nats lose to Dogers 8:4). Baseball is America's pastime and it is also my family's annual men's event. It was fun and happy to be there with my sons. Attached below is the picture from last year as well.

Today I wanna talk about "My dream".
As an immigrant, I have something to tell you. First of all, let's talk about FAMILY!

We are the only family living in this country since we moved from Japan and Korea ~20 years ago and all other family members are still living in Korea. I feel sorry to you guys not giving you a chance to see other families such as grandpa, grandma, uncles, aunts, and cousins more frequently. It's much better to mingle together with other family members when you were young. Since I became to US citizen, I probably die in this land and wish I wanna be a great grandpa to your children.

I'm dreaming about me as a grandpa and here is the list for my plan when I get older!
- Try to be with my sons and grandchildren as much as possible, just be with them
- Read a book to my grandchildren
- Bring them to the amusement parks
- Buy them toys
- Read Bible to them
- Give allowance to them
- Travel with them
- Give the hugs as many times as possible

Second thing is "living close by".
To make the above things happen, I wish both Brian and Dennis live near me, so we can see each other more easily. If you live far away like west coast, it will be challenging to see more frequently. Considering we're still small size family even you get married, I wish all of us live very close area.

When you are in my age, I wish mom and dad will be above you; your children will be under you; your wife will be with you. As God blessed Abraham, I wish you and your family will be a blessing.

Genesis 12:1-3
The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

in Korean
매년 여름 아이들과 함께 야구경기를 보러가는것이 이제는 남자들만의 연례행사가 되었고 이제는 야구장 가는 날을 손꼽아 기다리게 되었다. 아이들과 함께하는 시간이 우선 좋고, 탁트인 곳에서 맥주한잔을 하면서 좋은경기를 관람하다보면 스트레스도 날라가기때문이다.

상욱아 태욱아,
아빠랑 엄마는 이민자로 이곳에서 살아가면서 우리가족만 달랑 이곳에 살다보니 너희들에게 한국에 있는 할아버지, 할머니, 작은아빠, 고모, 이모 그리고 사촌들과 함께 하는시간을 너희들에게 주지못해 미안한 생각이 든다.
그래서 아빠는 이곳에서 살아가면서 너희들이 나중에 커서 결혼하고 아이들을 낳아서 키우게되면 반드시 하고 싶은 일들이 있고 오늘은 아빠의 꿈에 대해서 이야기하고 싶구나.

우선, 나에게 손자손녀가 생기면 해주고 싶은 것들이 많이 있는데,
- 아이들과 될수 있으면 많이 같이 옆에 있어주기
- 할아버지가 되어 손주들에게 장난감 사주기
- 할아버지로서 손주들에게 동화책 읽어주기
- 할아버지로서 손주들데리고 놀이동산 놀러가기
- 할아버지로서 손주들에게 성경 읽어두고 가르쳐주기
- 할아버지로서 손주들에게 용돈주기
- 할아버지로서 손주들과 여행다니기
- 할아버지로서 손주들을 많이 안아주기
- 할아버지로서 손주들에게 많이 뽀뽀해주기, 등등

그리고 이런 모든일들이 가능하게 하려면, 상욱태욱이가 나중에 우리 근처에서 자리를 잡고 가깝게 살았으면 하는 소망도 있다. 아무리 손주들에게 해주고 싶은것들이 많아도, 경제적으로 여유가 있어도, 지리적으로 멀리 떨어져 산다면 말짱 도루묵이니까...

아이들이 건강하게 자라서 사회에 꼭 필요한 사람이 되어 자리잡고 살아가길 바라고 또 상욱태욱이가 내 나이가 되어서 그들 위로는 우리가 옆에 있어주고, 그들 아래에는 키워야할 아이들이 있고, 또 그들 옆에는 믿음의 배우자가 있어서 하나님이 아브라함에게 복을 주셨듯이 세상에 복의 근원이 되는 행복한 믿음의 가정을 세우기를 기도한다.

여호와께서 아브람에게 이르시되 너는 너의 고향과 친척과 아버지의 집을 떠나 내가 네게 보여 줄 땅으로 가라. 내가 너로 큰 민족을 이루고 네게 복을 주어 네 이름을 창대하게 하리니 너는 복이 될지라. 너를 축복하는 자에게는 내가 복을 내리고 너를 저주하는 자에게는 내가 저주하리니 땅의 모든 족속이 너로 말미암아 복을 얻을 것이라 하신지라

2016년 7월 13일 수요일

Father-Son Hangout 8

Today is the first day for Dennis internship at Georgetown Asian Studies Program

It's been a while to write a blog because I has been suffering body itchiness for the past one month. It is still killing me and I have to be very cautious for my usual habits including eating, exercise, and mind control.

Anyway, Brian got his wisdom teeth removal surgery yesterday and it went well. Dennis just started his first day at Asian Studies Program at Georgetown as an intern. I wish it help his future career.

Last week, there were shooting incident at Dallas Texas and five police officers were slain and that happened after black males were killed by white police officers. This nations are now deeply divided by racism and we need a solidarity and unity. Yesterday, President Obama attended memorial service for those officers in Dallas and gave a excellent speech. So here I'm posting his speech script and former President Bush's as well.

Their speech were very impressive and will be remembered by history. Bush's are 6 min long and Obama's are 40 min long. Both of them cited Bible scripts as I indicated below.

I wish both Brian and Dennis keep these bible verses in their minds and live well with HIM all the time. As God blessed Abraham, so does to my beloved sons!!!

Today's blog is quite long, so be patient and read to the end.


Lets start with President Obama speech first.

He cited Rome 5:3-4 at the beginning and at the end.
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope

Also he cited two other Scripts in the middle of his message to emphasize "OPEN HEART"

Let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth (1 John 3:18)

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26)

Here is the full script

Mr. President and Mrs. Bush; my friend, the Vice President, and Dr. Biden; Mayor Rawlings; Chief Spiller; clergy; members of Congress; Chief Brown -- I’m so glad I met Michelle first, because she loves Stevie Wonder -- (laughter and applause) -- but most of all, to the families and friends and colleagues and fellow officers:

Scripture tells us that in our sufferings there is glory, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Sometimes the truths of these words are hard to see. Right now, those words test us. Because the people of Dallas, people across the country, are suffering.

We’re here to honor the memory, and mourn the loss, of five fellow Americans -- to grieve with their loved ones, to support this community, to pray for the wounded, and to try and find some meaning amidst our sorrow.

For the men and women who protect and serve the people of Dallas, last Thursday began like any other day. Like most Americans each day, you get up, probably have too quick a breakfast, kiss your family goodbye, and you head to work. But your work, and the work of police officers across the country, is like no other. For the moment you put on that uniform, you have answered a call that at any moment, even in the briefest interaction, may put your life in harm’s way.

Lorne Ahrens, he answered that call. So did his wife, Katrina -- not only because she was the spouse of a police officer, but because she’s a detective on the force. They have two kids. And Lorne took them fishing, and used to proudly go to their school in uniform. And the night before he died, he bought dinner for a homeless man. And the next night, Katrina had to tell their children that their dad was gone. “They don’t get it yet,” their grandma said. “They don’t know what to do quite yet.”

Michael Krol answered that call. His mother said, “He knew the dangers of the job, but he never shied away from his duty.” He came a thousand miles from his home state of Michigan to be a cop in Dallas, telling his family, “This is something I wanted to do.” Last year, he brought his girlfriend back to Detroit for Thanksgiving, and it was the last time he’d see his family.

Michael Smith answered that call -- in the Army, and over almost 30 years working for the Dallas Police Association, which gave him the appropriately named “Cops Cop” award. A man of deep faith, when he was off duty, he could be found at church or playing softball with his two girls. Today, his girls have lost their dad, for God has called Michael home.

Patrick Zamarripa, he answered that call. Just 32, a former altar boy who served in the Navy and dreamed of being a cop. He liked to post videos of himself and his kids on social media. And on Thursday night, while Patrick went to work, his partner Kristy posted a photo of her and their daughter at a Texas Rangers game, and tagged her partner so that he could see it while on duty.

Brent Thompson answered that call. He served his country as a Marine. And years later, as a contractor, he spent time in some of the most dangerous parts of Iraq and Afghanistan. And then a few years ago, he settled down here in Dallas for a new life of service as a transit cop. And just about two weeks ago, he married a fellow officer, their whole life together waiting before them.

Like police officers across the country, these men and their families shared a commitment to something larger than themselves. They weren’t looking for their names to be up in lights. They’d tell you the pay was decent but wouldn’t make you rich. They could have told you about the stress and long shifts, and they’d probably agree with Chief Brown when he said that cops don’t expect to hear the words "thank you" very often, especially from those who need them the most.

No, the reward comes in knowing that our entire way of life in America depends on the rule of law; that the maintenance of that law is a hard and daily labor; that in this country, we don’t have soldiers in the streets or militias setting the rules. Instead, we have public servants -- police officers -- like the men who were taken away from us.

And that’s what these five were doing last Thursday when they were assigned to protect and keep orderly a peaceful protest in response to the killing of Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge and Philando Castile of Minnesota. They were upholding the constitutional rights of this country.

For a while, the protest went on without incident. And despite the fact that police conduct was the subject of the protest, despite the fact that there must have been signs or slogans or chants with which they profoundly disagreed, these men and this department did their jobs like the professionals that they were. In fact, the police had been part of the protest’s planning. Dallas PD even posted photos on their Twitter feeds of their own officers standing among the protesters. Two officers, black and white, smiled next to a man with a sign that read, “No Justice, No Peace.”

And then, around nine o’clock, the gunfire came. Another community torn apart. More hearts broken. More questions about what caused, and what might prevent, another such tragedy.

I know that Americans are struggling right now with what we’ve witnessed over the past week. First, the shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge, and the protests, then the targeting of police by the shooter here -- an act not just of demented violence but of racial hatred. All of it has left us wounded, and angry, and hurt. It’s as if the deepest fault lines of our democracy have suddenly been exposed, perhaps even widened. And although we know that such divisions are not new -- though they have surely been worse in even the recent past -- that offers us little comfort.

Faced with this violence, we wonder if the divides of race in America can ever be bridged. We wonder if an African-American community that feels unfairly targeted by police, and police departments that feel unfairly maligned for doing their jobs, can ever understand each other’s experience. We turn on the TV or surf the Internet, and we can watch positions harden and lines drawn, and people retreat to their respective corners, and politicians calculate how to grab attention or avoid the fallout. We see all this, and it’s hard not to think sometimes that the center won't hold and that things might get worse.

I understand. I understand how Americans are feeling. But, Dallas, I’m here to say we must reject such despair. I’m here to insist that we are not as divided as we seem. And I know that because I know America. I know how far we’ve come against impossible odds. (Applause.) I know we’ll make it because of what I’ve experienced in my own life, what I’ve seen of this country and its people -- their goodness and decency --as President of the United States. And I know it because of what we’ve seen here in Dallas -- how all of you, out of great suffering, have shown us the meaning of perseverance and character, and hope.

When the bullets started flying, the men and women of the Dallas police, they did not flinch and they did not react recklessly. They showed incredible restraint. Helped in some cases by protesters, they evacuated the injured, isolated the shooter, and saved more lives than we will ever know. (Applause.) We mourn fewer people today because of your brave actions. (Applause.) “Everyone was helping each other,” one witness said. “It wasn’t about black or white. Everyone was picking each other up and moving them away.” See, that’s the America I know.

The police helped Shetamia Taylor as she was shot trying to shield her four sons. She said she wanted her boys to join her to protest the incidents of black men being killed. She also said to the Dallas PD, “Thank you for being heroes.” And today, her 12-year old son wants to be a cop when he grows up. That’s the America I know. (Applause.)

In the aftermath of the shooting, we’ve seen Mayor Rawlings and Chief Brown, a white man and a black man with different backgrounds, working not just to restore order and support a shaken city, a shaken department, but working together to unify a city with strength and grace and wisdom. (Applause.) And in the process, we've been reminded that the Dallas Police Department has been at the forefront of improving relations between police and the community. (Applause.) The murder rate here has fallen. Complaints of excessive force have been cut by 64 percent. The Dallas Police Department has been doing it the right way. (Applause.) And so, Mayor Rawlings and Chief Brown, on behalf of the American people, thank you for your steady leadership, thank you for your powerful example. We could not be prouder of you. (Applause.)

These men, this department -- this is the America I know. And today, in this audience, I see people who have protested on behalf of criminal justice reform grieving alongside police officers. I see people who mourn for the five officers we lost but also weep for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. In this audience, I see what’s possible -- (applause) -- I see what's possible when we recognize that we are one American family, all deserving of equal treatment, all deserving of equal respect, all children of God. That’s the America that I know.

Now, I'm not naïve. I have spoken at too many memorials during the course of this presidency. I’ve hugged too many families who have lost a loved one to senseless violence. And I've seen how a spirit of unity, born of tragedy, can gradually dissipate, overtaken by the return to business as usual, by inertia and old habits and expediency. I see how easily we slip back into our old notions, because they’re comfortable, we’re used to them. I’ve seen how inadequate words can be in bringing about lasting change. I’ve seen how inadequate my own words have been. And so I’m reminded of a passage in *John’s Gospel [First John]: Let us love not with words or speech, but with actions and in truth. If we’re to sustain the unity we need to get through these difficult times, if we are to honor these five outstanding officers who we’ve lost, then we will need to act on the truths that we know. And that’s not easy. It makes us uncomfortable. But we’re going to have to be honest with each other and ourselves.

We know that the overwhelming majority of police officers do an incredibly hard and dangerous job fairly and professionally. They are deserving of our respect and not our scorn. (Applause.) And when anyone, no matter how good their intentions may be, paints all police as biased or bigoted, we undermine those officers we depend on for our safety. And as for those who use rhetoric suggesting harm to police, even if they don’t act on it themselves -- well, they not only make the jobs of police officers even more dangerous, but they do a disservice to the very cause of justice that they claim to promote. (Applause.)

We also know that centuries of racial discrimination -- of slavery, and subjugation, and Jim Crow -- they didn’t simply vanish with the end of lawful segregation. They didn’t just stop when Dr. King made a speech, or the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act were signed. Race relations have improved dramatically in my lifetime. Those who deny it are dishonoring the struggles that helped us achieve that progress. (Applause.)

But we know -- but, America, we know that bias remains. We know it. Whether you are black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or of Middle Eastern descent, we have all seen this bigotry in our own lives at some point. We’ve heard it at times in our own homes. If we’re honest, perhaps we’ve heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel to a far greater extent discrimination’s sting. Although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police departments. We know this.

And so when African Americans from all walks of life, from different communities across the country, voice a growing despair over what they perceive to be unequal treatment; when study after study shows that whites and people of color experience the criminal justice system differently, so that if you’re black you’re more likely to be pulled over or searched or arrested, more likely to get longer sentences, more likely to get the death penalty for the same crime; when mothers and fathers raise their kids right and have “the talk” about how to respond if stopped by a police officer -- “yes, sir,” “no, sir” -- but still fear that something terrible may happen when their child walks out the door, still fear that kids being stupid and not quite doing things right might end in tragedy -- when all this takes place more than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, we cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid. (Applause.) We can’t simply dismiss it as a symptom of political correctness or reverse racism. To have your experience denied like that, dismissed by those in authority, dismissed perhaps even by your white friends and coworkers and fellow church members again and again and again -- it hurts. Surely we can see that, all of us.

We also know what Chief Brown has said is true: That so much of the tensions between police departments and minority communities that they serve is because we ask the police to do too much and we ask too little of ourselves. (Applause.) As a society, we choose to underinvest in decent schools. We allow poverty to fester so that entire neighborhoods offer no prospect for gainful employment. (Applause.) We refuse to fund drug treatment and mental health programs. (Applause.) We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book -- (applause) -- and then we tell the police “you’re a social worker, you’re the parent, you’re the teacher, you’re the drug counselor.” We tell them to keep those neighborhoods in check at all costs, and do so without causing any political blowback or inconvenience. Don’t make a mistake that might disturb our own peace of mind. And then we feign surprise when, periodically, the tensions boil over.

We know these things to be true. They’ve been true for a long time. We know it. Police, you know it. Protestors, you know it. You know how dangerous some of the communities where these police officers serve are, and you pretend as if there’s no context. These things we know to be true. And if we cannot even talk about these things -- if we cannot talk honestly and openly not just in the comfort of our own circles, but with those who look different than us or bring a different perspective, then we will never break this dangerous cycle.

In the end, it's not about finding policies that work; it’s about forging consensus, and fighting cynicism, and finding the will to make change.

Can we do this? Can we find the character, as Americans, to open our hearts to each other? Can we see in each other a common humanity and a shared dignity, and recognize how our different experiences have shaped us? And it doesn’t make anybody perfectly good or perfectly bad, it just makes us human. I don’t know. I confess that sometimes I, too, experience doubt. I've been to too many of these things. I've seen too many families go through this. But then I am reminded of what the Lord tells Ezekiel: I will give you a new heart, the Lord says, and put a new spirit in you. I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

That’s what we must pray for, each of us: a new heart. Not a heart of stone, but a heart open to the fears and hopes and challenges of our fellow citizens. That’s what we’ve seen in Dallas these past few days. That’s what we must sustain.

Because with an open heart, we can learn to stand in each other’s shoes and look at the world through each other’s eyes, so that maybe the police officer sees his own son in that teenager with a hoodie who's kind of goofing off but not dangerous -- (applause) -- and the teenager -- maybe the teenager will see in the police officer the same words and values and authority of his parents. (Applause.)

With an open heart, we can abandon the overheated rhetoric and the oversimplification that reduces whole categories of our fellow Americans not just to opponents, but to enemies.

With an open heart, those protesting for change will guard against reckless language going forward, look at the model set by the five officers we mourn today, acknowledge the progress brought about by the sincere efforts of police departments like this one in Dallas, and embark on the hard but necessary work of negotiation, the pursuit of reconciliation.

With an open heart, police departments will acknowledge that, just like the rest of us, they are not perfect; that insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals. (Applause.) And I understand these protests -- I see them, they can be messy. Sometimes they can be hijacked by an irresponsible few. Police can get hurt. Protestors can get hurt. They can be frustrating.

But even those who dislike the phrase “Black Lives Matter,” surely we should be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling’s family. (Applause.) We should -- when we hear a friend describe him by saying that “Whatever he cooked, he cooked enough for everybody,” that should sound familiar to us, that maybe he wasn’t so different than us, so that we can, yes, insist that his life matters. Just as we should hear the students and coworkers describe their affection for Philando Castile as a gentle soul -- “Mr. Rogers with dreadlocks,” they called him -- and know that his life mattered to a whole lot of people of all races, of all ages, and that we have to do what we can, without putting officers' lives at risk, but do better to prevent another life like his from being lost.

With an open heart, we can worry less about which side has been wronged, and worry more about joining sides to do right. (Applause.) Because the vicious killer of these police officers, they won’t be the last person who tries to make us turn on one other. The killer in Orlando wasn’t, nor was the killer in Charleston. We know there is evil in this world. That's why we need police departments. (Applause.) But as Americans, we can decide that people like this killer will ultimately fail. They will not drive us apart. We can decide to come together and make our country reflect the good inside us, the hopes and simple dreams we share.

“We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

For all of us, life presents challenges and suffering -- accidents, illnesses, the loss of loved ones. There are times when we are overwhelmed by sudden calamity, natural or manmade. All of us, we make mistakes. And at times we are lost. And as we get older, we learn we don’t always have control of things -- not even a President does. But we do have control over how we respond to the world. We do have control over how we treat one another.

America does not ask us to be perfect. Precisely because of our individual imperfections, our founders gave us institutions to guard against tyranny and ensure no one is above the law; a democracy that gives us the space to work through our differences and debate them peacefully, to make things better, even if it doesn’t always happen as fast as we’d like. America gives us the capacity to change.

But as the men we mourn today -- these five heroes -- knew better than most, we cannot take the blessings of this nation for granted. Only by working together can we preserve those institutions of family and community, rights and responsibilities, law and self-government that is the hallmark of this nation. For, it turns out, we do not persevere alone. Our character is not found in isolation. Hope does not arise by putting our fellow man down; it is found by lifting others up. (Applause.)

And that’s what I take away from the lives of these outstanding men. The pain we feel may not soon pass, but my faith tells me that they did not die in vain. I believe our sorrow can make us a better country. I believe our righteous anger can be transformed into more justice and more peace. Weeping may endure for a night, but I’m convinced joy comes in the morning. (Applause.) We cannot match the sacrifices made by Officers Zamarripa and Ahrens, Krol, Smith, and Thompson, but surely we can try to match their sense of service. We cannot match their courage, but we can strive to match their devotion.

May God bless their memory. May God bless this country that we love.

Here is the President Bush
He also cited Apostle Paul in the end of his speech
"For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of strength and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7)
Here is full script for his speech

Thank you all. Thank you, Senator. I, too, am really pleased that President Obama and Mrs. Obama have come down to Dallas. I also want to welcome Vice President and Dr. Biden. Mr. Mayor, Chief Brown, elected officials, members of the law enforcement community: Today the nation grieves. But those of us who love Dallas and call it home have had five deaths in the family. Laura and I see members of law enforcement every day. We count them as our friends. And we know, like for every other American, that their courage is our protection and shield.

We are proud of the men we mourn – and of the community that has rallied to honor them and support the wounded. Our mayor, our police chief, and our police department have been mighty inspirations to the rest of the nation.(Applause.) These slain officers were the best among us.

Lorne Ahrens, beloved husband to Detective Katrina Ahrens and father of two.

Michael Krol, caring son, brother, uncle, nephew, and friend.

Michael Smith, U.S. Army veteran, devoted husband, and father of two.

Brent Thompson, Marine Corps vet, recently married.

Patrick Zamarripa, US Navy Reserve combat veteran, proud father, and loyal Texas Rangers fan. (Applause.)

With their deaths, we have lost so much. We are grief-stricken, heartbroken, and forever grateful.

Every officer has accepted a calling that sets them apart. Most of us imagine, if the moment called for it, that we would risk our lives to protect a spouse or a child. Those wearing the uniform assume that risk for the safety of strangers. They and their families share the unspoken knowledge that each new day can bring new dangers. But none of us were prepared – or could be prepared – for an ambush by hatred and malice. The shock of this evil still has not faded.

At times, it seems like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates too quickly into dehumanization. Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions. (Applause.) And this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose.

But Americans, I think, have a great advantage. To renew our unity, we only need to remember our values. We have never been held together by blood or background. We are bound by things of the spirit – by shared commitments to common ideals.

At our best, we practice empathy, imagining ourselves in the lives and circumstances of others. This is the bridge across our nation’s deepest divisions. And it is not merely a matter of tolerance, but of learning from the struggles and stories of our fellow citizens, and finding our better selves in the process.

At our best, we honor the image of God we see in one another. We recognize that we are brothers and sisters, sharing the same brief moment on earth, and owing each other the loyalty of our shared humanity.

At our best, we know we have one country, one future, one destiny. We do not want the unity of grief. Nor do we want the unity of fear. We want the unity of hope, affection, and high purpose.

We know that the kind of just, humane country we want to build – that we have seen in our best dreams – is made possible when men and women in uniform stand guard. At their best, when they are trained and trusted and accountable, they free us from fear.

The Apostle Paul said, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of strength and love and self-control.” Those are the best responses to fear in the life of our country. And they are the code of the peace officer.

Today, all of us feel a sense of loss – but not equally. I’d like to conclude with a word to the families, the spouses, and especially the children of the fallen. Your loved one’s time with you was too short, and they did not get the chance to properly say goodbye. But they went where duty called. They defended us, even to the end. They finished well. We will not forget what they did for us.

Your loss is unfair. We cannot explain it. We can stand beside you and share your grief. And we can pray that God will comfort you with a hope deeper than sorrow and stronger than death.

May God bless you!

To make a long story short,
I guarantee the coming world you guys will be living in next 50 years won't be easy. I expect it will be very tough!!! As I always say "jansori" to you, I wish both of you follow the Scripture.
Remember the following verse all the time and please memorize.
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful (Joshua 1:8)

I love you guys, Brian and Dennis with all my heart.

in Korean

그동안 약 한달간 블로그를 쓰지 못했다. 몸이 가려워서 정신이 없었고 또 다른 여러가지 일로 인해 마음이 바빴다. 상욱이는 어제 사랑니 4개를 다 뽑는 수술을 하였고 오늘은 태욱이가 조지타운대학에서 여름 인턴쉽을 시작하는 날이기도 하다.

어제 텍사스 달라스에서는 지난주 목요일 총기사고로 희생된 5명의 경찰관을 추모하는 자리에 오바마와 부시 대통령이 참석하여 연설을 하였는데 두 사람 모두 역사에 남을만한 명연설을 하였고 특히 오바마의 연설은 지금까지 내가 들어본것중 최고였다. 형식적인 위로의 수준을 넘어서서 자기자신 내면의 인간적인 솔직함마저 피력하면서 미국사회의 화합을 요구하는 아주 멋진 연설이었다. 

그리고 두사람 모두 자신들의 연설에 성경을 인용하면서 자신의 주장을 대중들에게 전달하는 모습을 보면서 역시 미국이라는 나라는 성경에 기초하여 세워진 나라임을 다시 한번 더 깨닫게 되었고, 이렇게 한 나라의 리더들이 하나님 말씀을 청종하여 나라를 이끌어 간다면 비록 미국이라는 사회가 많은 문제점을 안고 있지만 나는그 안에서 희망을 보았다.

두 사람의 연설을 이곳에 링크하면서 상욱이와 태욱이가 자라가면서 그들의 연설문과 그 안에 숨어있는 하나님의 말씀을 청종하면서 살아가기를 간절히 기도해본다.

오바마 대통령 연설 (https://youtu.be/A5IcMdwV6Hg)
연설의 시작과 끝을 로마서 5장 3-4절 말씀으로 장식하였다
"다만 이뿐 아니라 우리가 환난 중에도 즐거워하나니 이는 환난은 인내를, 인내는 연단을, 연단은 소망을 이루는 줄 앎이로다"

또한 연설문 중간에 요한일서 3:18, 에스겔36:26 을 인용하면서 우리 모두에게 "열린마음 (OPEN HEART)"의 중요성을 강조하였다.

자녀들아 우리가 말과 혀로만 사랑하지 말고 오직 행함과 진실함으로 하자 (요한일서 3:18)
"또 새 영을 너희 속에 두고 새 마음을 너희에게 주되 너희 육신에서 굳은 마음을 제하고 부드러운 마음을 줄 것이며" (

그 역시 연설의 마지막을 디모데후서 1장7절 말씀으로 장식하였다
"하나님이 우리에게 주신 것은 두려워하는 마음이 아니요 오직 능력과 사랑과 절제하는 마음이니"

사랑하는 나의 두 아들 상욱이와 태욱아!
세상을 살아가면서 항상 이 말씀을 기억하고 살아가길 바란다.

여호수아 1장 8절
"이 율법책을 네 입에서 떠나지 말게 하며 주야로 그것을 묵상하여 그 가운데 기록한대로 다 지켜 행하라 그리하면 네 길이 평탄하게 될 것이라 네가 형통하리라"

2016년 6월 20일 월요일

Father-Son Hangout 7

Virtual online hangout for fathers day celebration

Today is fathers day and seems like nobody cares!!!
Dennis just got started his summer job at PIZZA 500 near home and Brian is still working at Howard country general hospital. Due to their working schedule, we couldn't find the time to eat all together on fathers day. They prepared a thoughtful card and gifts for me and I was delighted. Thank you!!!

Here is the virtual "jansori" again to my beloved sons, lol.

Today's topic is "perseverance and honesty" and first of all, I would like to cite Bible!
Psalm 128:1-2
1 Blessed are all who fear the lord, who walk in obedience to Him 2 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.

As an immigrant to this country, mom and I are working very hard to survive and imagine how hard it was. We landed on Dulles airport on July, 1997 with only three baggage and now we're living in a beautiful big house with two car garage. More importantly, our loving two sons are now fully grown up and ready to start your own adventures in their life.

As the script says, always be honest with you. Hard works always pays back and it worth. I guarantee there will be many temptations in your life, however stay firm and strong and believe His words.
Easy way looks very attractive and many people follows that path, but it may lead to destruction.
Whenever you encounter hardships, always stop there and take a deep breath and think about my jansori and Scripts. Patience is one kind of fruit of Spirit.

In Matthew 7:13-14
"13 Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it"

Narrow is the gate leads to life
1) few people go in
2) but, the gate to life is only narrow for the entrance
3) once you enter it, the path will be wider
4) you will be called dumb at first. But they will respect, believe, and acknowledge your decision
5) it's not easy to seek the righteousness and the kingdom of God in the beginning, but you will get everything in the end

Wide is the gate leads to death
1) many people go in
2) but, the gate to death is only wide for the entrance
3) once you enter it, the path will be narrower
4) you will be chanted at first. But they will not believe you anymore once they finally figure out who you are
5) finally, it leads you to destruction and death

in Korean
아버지의 날이라고 지정된 6월 세번째주 일요일은 유명무실한 기념일인것 같다. 5월달에 있는 어머니의 날이 우선이고 아버지들을 지나치자니 미안한감이 있어서 그냥 만들어 놓은것 같은 인상이다. 어쨌든 아이들과 집사람이 향수세트와 french press coffee brewer를 선물해주었다. 내가 좋아하는 것들이라 평소에는 필요한것 없다고 했지만 막상 받으니 좋다, 역쉬 선물의 힘은 크다. ㅎㅎㅎ

태욱이가 집 근처 피자가게에서 일을 시작했다. 시간당 $8.50
사춘기를 지나고 있는 이 아이에게 여름방학동안에 아주 좋은 경험이 되리라 생각한다.

서로 스케줄이 맞지 않아서 따로 이야기할 시간이 없었기에 오늘의 "Father-Son Hangout"은 가상 온라인 공간에서의 잔소리 강좌, 이름하여 "Old Daddy's Endless Virtual Online Jansori"

사랑하는 아들 상욱, 태욱에게,
오늘은 "성실과 정직"에 대해서 이야기를 해주고 싶구나.
우선 성경부터 한구절 인용하면,

1 여호와를 경외하며 그 도에 행하는 자마다 복이 있도다 2네가 네 손이 수고한 대로 먹을 것이라 네가 복되고 형통하리로다 (시편 128편 1-2)

거의 20여년전에 엄마와 아빠는 이민가방 달랑3개를 들고 덜레스공항에 내린 이후 지금까지 너희들을 키우면서 정말 열심히 살아왔고 그 결과 지금은 차고가 딸린 커다란 집에서 살아가고 있고 특히 청년으로 자라버린 너희를 보면 엄마 아빠의 고생은 생각도 나질않고 정직한 땀과 수고로움이 보상받은것 같아 너무 기쁘다.

앞으로 너희에게 주어진 삶을 살아가다보면 기쁜일, 쉬운일보다는 어렵고 힘든일이 더 많을것이야. 어떻게 아냐고? 엄마 아빠가 살아봤자나.

그럴때마다, 우리 인간은 쉬운길로 가고 싶어하고 정직하지 않은 방법을 택하기가 쉬운데, 그럴때마다 아빠가 오늘 너희들에게 해준말을 반드시 기억하고 성경대로 살아가기를 바란다.

마태복음 7:13-14
“좁은 문으로 들어가라 멸망으로 인도하는 문은 크고 그 길이 넓어 그리로 들어가는 자가 많고 생명으로 인도하는 문은 좁고 길이 협착하여 찾는 자가 적음이라.”

힘든일이 생길때 그 순간에는 그것을 피하고 싶고, 쉽게 가려고 하지만, 달려가는 길을 한박자 멈추고 깊게 숨을 들이쉬면서 삶을 멀리 내다보고 기다리는 연습을 하거라.

참고 기다리는것도 하나님이 주시는 성령의 열매임을 잊지말고 항상 올바른 길로 걸어가길 바란다.

생명으로 인도하는 문은 좁다
1) 들어가는 이가 적다
2)그러나 생명으로 인도하는 길과 문은 입구만 좁다
3) 처음엔 힘들어도 죽으면 죽으리라 각오하고 참고 고집하면 점점 길과 문이 넓어진다
4) 처음엔 사람들이 바보인줄 알지만 시간이 가면 갈 수록 그를 신뢰하게 된다. 그리고 인정하게 된다. 결국에는 존경하게 된다
5)먼저 하나님의 나라와 의를 구하는 것이 쉽지 않지만 그렇게 하면 세상의 모든 것이 더하여지게 된다

사망으로 인도하는 문은 넓다
1)그리로 들어가는 이가 많다
2)그러나 사망으로 인도하는 길과 문은 입구만 넓다
3)시간이 가면 갈수록 길과 문은 좁아진다.
4)그의 사람됨이 점점드러나고 들통이 나기 때문에 어느 누구도 그를 신뢰하지 않게 된다
5)그래서 결국 사망에 이르게 되는 것이다.

(좁은문 이야기는 김동호목사 페이스북 마나하임36 에서 인용함)

2016년 6월 10일 금요일

Father-Son Hangout 6

at Pho Thom and Kungfu Tea at College Park

I had suffered from allergy last night and couldn't sleep not more than 2 hr. I woke up at 1 am and hung around watching pastor Yoo's sermon on Youtube (actually it was very impressive)

When I tried to go back to sleep around 3:30 am, I received Tumblr notification which indicating Brian posted new blog.

I replied to him citing Hebrews 11:8, "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whether he went".

Thinking of Brian and Dennis in sleep mode, God showed me two rainbows in my dream which I believe their future with promise by saying "Don't worry, your sons are protected and guided with me all the time". That reminds me of Genesis 9:13 " I have set my rainbow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth".

After I attended early morning prayer at church, I had worked hard at the lab to finish all the lab experiments before 11 am in order to get to College Park to hang out with Brian for lunch.

We went to Pho Thom restaurant and stopped by not-yet-opened brand new bubble tea shop named Kungfu Tea where Brian's friend Dan was working. It was my first time experience getting bubble tea and we spent a good time to talk about his summer MCAT classes, works at hospital, travel plan to LA on August, and work out at gym.

I had a thought in my mind re:tithe. As I couldn't pay tithe to church (actually 5% for church offering and 5% for parents allowance), I think it requires training since you are young, particularly before you make real income regularly. Whatever amount you earn in the future, be always think about save 1/10 of your income and consider it as God gave you to help other people. For practical point, I think it's a good idea to make two separate bank accounts, 90% for your regular expenditure and 10% for tithes.

God is always good and today He showed me a PROMISE for my sons with two bright rainbows.

in Korean
가려움증으로 인해 잠을 설치다가 새벽1시경에 침대에서 일어나 온수샤워를 한후에 다시 잠을 청해보았으나 전날 자기전에 마신 espresso shot 때문인지 눈이 말똥말똥. 유투브를 들여보다가 유기성 목사의 설교 한편을 골라 베게옆에 두고 원래 목적은 듣다가 잠이 스스로 들기를 바랬는데, 말씀이 너무 파워풀해서 듣다가 나도 모르게 일어나 앉아서 전체를 다 듣고 성령충만!

시계를 보니 새벽3시반. 한시간만 눈을 붙이고 새벽기도에 가려고 했는데 갑자기 스마트폰에서 딩동하면서 알림창이 뜨는데 상욱이가 블로그를 업로드하였던것이다. 작년 사순절때 시작한 "40 days-SNS media free blogging"을 계기로 자기의 삶을 글로써 정리하고 표현하고 있는데, 대학3학년을 마치고 긴 여름방학을 시작하면서 자기의 생각을 적은것으로 매번 다짐을 하면서 살아가지만 돌아보면 그 자리인것 같고 (내가 보기에는 그렇게 보이지 않고 조금씩 조금씩 성장하는 모습이 보이는데) 앞으로의 삶도 불확실해보이고 등등...이번 여름방학동안에는 약간의 시간적 여유도 있으니까 학기중보다는 더 자주 블로그를 써가면서 자신을 성찰해야겠다는 내용이었고 이번 블로그 타이틀도 "A Season of Renewal"

상욱이의 블로그를 읽고나니 아이의 생각이 기특하여 잠 자는것을 포기하고 댓글을 달아주었다.  내가 좋아하여 암송하고 있는 히브리서 11장 전반부의 말씀중 8절에 나오는 아브라함 이야기.

"믿음으로 아브라함은 부르심을 받았을때에 순종하여 장래의 유업으로 받을땅에 나아갈새 갈 바를 알지못하고 나아갔으며"

"상욱아, 믿음의 조상인 아브라함조차도 부르심을 받아 본토친척아비집을 떠날때에 자기가 가야할곳을 알지 못한채 나아갔듯이 인생이 그런것이란다. 너에게 주어진 삶이 때로는 힘들고 포기하고 싶을때가 있어도 순간을 참고 먼길을 내다보며 한걸음 한걸음 나아가는것이 예수 그리스도를 믿는 믿음이란다. 하나님께서는 그가 자기를 찾는자들에게 상 주시는 이심을 믿어야하고, 더군더나 너는 이미 오래전에 하나님께서 너와 항상 함께 하실테니 걱정하지 말라고 하셨던 "성령체험"도 하지 않았니? 그러니 아빠는 니가 너의 앞으로의 인생에서 하나님을 바라보고 참고 견디며 잘 살아가리라 믿어 의심치 않는다. 아빠는 그런 생각을 하면서 항상 자기를 점검하고 내면성찰을 하고 있는 니가 무척이나 자랑스럽다" 라고 댓글을 올렸다

댓글을 올리고 나니 4시. 잠깐 눈을 붙이려는데 잠은 오지않고 머릿속에는 상욱이와 태욱이 생각이 가득! 깜빡 잠이 든것 같은데 저 멀리서 커다란 반원의 무지개 2개가 보이는데 너무나 아름웠다. 그리고 시계를 보니 4시반. 기상시간이었다.

샤워를 하는데 창세기에 나오는 노아의 홍수심판후에 하나님께서 보여주신 무지개가 생각이 나면서, 두 아이에 대한 하나님의 약속과 보호하심이 가슴속 가득히 몰려들면서 저절로 "하나님 감사합니다"

새벽기도후에 학교로 가면서, 오전에 얼른 일을 마치고 점심때 상욱이 한때 가서 밥이나 사줘야겠다는 생각에 부리나케 실험을 마치고 College Park로 달려가 Pho를 먹으며 이런 저런 이야기(나의 십일조 생각 포함)를 나누고 집으로 돌아왔다.

가려움으로 잠은 설쳐서 몸은 피곤하였지만, 대신에 하나님을 또 만날수 있었고 그리고 아들과 같이 시간을 보낼수 있어서 참 좋았다. 정말로~~~

2016년 6월 6일 월요일

Father-Son Hangout 5

Actually this is whole family hangout b/c today is my 23rd wedding anniversary!

Today we went to Stanford Grill at Rockville to celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary. We had a great time together and talks a lot about the immigration journey during the past decades. On the way to the restaurant, Euna asked me what if we had 4 children instead two? We both agreed it must be okay and it would be another blessing to us. We worked hard to raise up our boys in this country w/o any helps from our immediate family members and I guess we deserved the dinner tonight which I paid the most expensive one we ever had.

Bri-Den, you guys are very special and wonderful gifts from God and both of you are grown up very well and mom and dad are very proud of you.

As I always do, I cannot skip my preach to my sons but very short this time.
" Be a man with real power, not fake power"

The "REAL POWER" includes,
- not showing off (no bragging)
- be humble
- do not brag you are rich: be rich is different than live well
(너의 가진것을 자랑하지말고 너의 사람됨을 자랑하는 사람이 되거라)
- build up spiritual power inside your mind
- physically strong
- mentally strong
- emotionally strong
- intellectually strong
- religiously strong (these 5 things are cited from "Tell it how it is")

I am very blessed to have both of you as my sons and sure it is the bless from God.
I'm so very much proud of you and love you guys.

I pray for you every morning,
- pray for Brian will be a "man of faith" (믿음의 사람)
- pray for Dennis will be a "man of righteousness" (의로운 사람)

Looking forward to another father-son hangouts this summer and many more boring preaches are also coming too. lol

2016년 5월 28일 토요일

Father-Son Hangout 4

The day Dennis got an internship offer from Asian Studies Program at Georgetown University

오늘 태욱이가 인턴쉽 오퍼를 받았다. 그동안 여러군데에 인턴쉽을 지원했었는데 대부분 거절당하고 낙담하고 있던차에 너무나 좋은 소식을 받아서 기쁘다. 무엇보다도 태욱이의 자존감이 회복된것 같아서 다행이다 (거절당함에서 오는 낮아진 자신감이 걱정이었기에 더더욱 기쁘다).
이 날을 축하하기 위해 둘이서 맥주파티를 벌이면서 300회 특집 런닝맨을 보았다.

내가 태욱이에게 전해준 오늘의 메세지는 "앞으로 성인이 되어서 술을 마시더라도 반드시 적당히 마시고 조절하면서 취하지 않도록 조심해야한다" 였다

마음속에 담아둔 더 많은 이야기가 많았지만 분위를 깰것 같아서 오늘 아이에게 전해준 아빠의 메세지는 딱 여기까지만! ㅠㅠ

2016년 5월 21일 토요일

Father-Son Hangout 3

After prom party hangout with Dennis at Pho Grill

태욱이의 junior prom party가 어제 있었다. Poolesville 지역 특성상 백인들만의 파티에 초대된 기분으로 아무리 미국에 오래 살았어도 적응되지 않는 불편함을 뭐라 표현할까?

어찌되었던간에 prom party가 아무런 사고 없이 무사히 잘 끝나고 보드카를 양껏? 마신 태욱이를 해장시켜줄겸 평소에 우리가 자주 가는 G'burg Pho Grill에 가서 점심을 마치고 돌아왔다.

마침 오늘은 은아와 상욱이가 처형이 있는 Austin, Texas로 일주일간 여행을 떠난 날이기도 하기에 태욱이와 있는 시간도 여유롭게 즐길수 있었다.

Poolsville-G'burg-Home으로 오고가는 차안에서 그리고 밥을 함께 먹으면서 아이에게 전해준 이야기는 아빠와 엄마가 아이들을 키우면서 가르쳐주고 싶은 것들에 관하여!

아빠가 늘 이야기하듯이 세상을 살아가면서 삶을 바라보는 시각을 넓게 가지거라. 사건이나 사물을 바라보거나 어떤 경험을 하고 느낄때 그 순간만을 보지말고 과거와 미래를 함께 볼줄 아는 지혜를 가지거라. 현재를 충실하게 살아내는것도 중요하지만 지금 당장 일어난 일에 대하여 걱정하거나 너무 흥분하지말고 시간이 흘러갔을때 지금 네가 겪고 있는 것들이 과연 어떻게 변할까에 대해서 생각해보거라. 대부분의 경우는 기억도 나지 않을것이며 네가 당장 어제 경험한 prom party도 그것이 지나고 나니까 거기에 대한 기대와 흥분이 하룻만에 식어버리듯이 앞으로 네가 살아갈 인생여정속에서도 비슷한 일들이 수없이 많이 반복될것이야. 한순간의 짦은 경험속에 매달리지말고 하늘에 올라가서 땅을 내려다보듯이 너의 삶을 넓은 시각과 관점에서 바라보는 훈련을 하거라. 그리하면 힘든것을 참을수 있는 인내도 배우게 되고 남을 배려해줄수 있는 관용도 배우고 너의 삶속에서 여유로움이 묻어날것이란다.

엄마 아빠의 입장에서 요즘같은 세상에 네가 prom party에 간다고 했을때 아무 생각없이 보내주는것은 아니란다. Dad is liberal and mom is conservative, right? There are so many issues at the prom party these days such as alcohol, drugs, and sex. As a parents, mom and dad are all concerned about it and pondering wheather let you go or not.

아빠는 개방적인 생각을 가지고 있기에 여러가지 위험 요소가 있어도 너희가 직접 경험해보고 몸으로 느끼면서 좋고 나쁜것을 스스로 알아가면서 독립적인 인격체로 성장하기 바라는것이고 엄마는 너희를 너무도 사랑하기때문에 아직 판단력이 부족한 너희가 어느정도 클때까지는 하고 싶은것을 자제시킬려고 하는것이지 it is not the matter of good or bad.

I wish you will be independent and grown up as a single man through the activities such as prom party, beach week, hangout with your friends, travel w/o us etc...

물론 이런 것들을 통해서 안좋은 일들이 일어날수는 있지만 그것은 아무도 모르는것이라고 생각한다. 물론 너희를 아무것도 못하게 가둬서 키운다면 그런 안좋은 일들을 겪을 확률이 떨어지겠지만 그것을 위해 너희가 경험을 통해 얻을수 있는 값진 경험을 대신할수는 없다는것이 아빠의 생각이란다. 설령 안좋은 일이 일어나더라도 아빠는 능동적으로 잘 대처할수 있을것 같기에 그리고 하나님이 너희들을 잘 이끌어 주실것이라는 확신으로 너희들을 키운다.

그렇다고 엄마가 너희들이 하고싶은 일에 대해서 이런 저런 말씀을 하셔도 그것을 잔소리라고 생각을 해서는 안된다. 그런 잔소리가 너에게 지금 당장은  "고난"으로 여길수도 있지만 아빠가 앞에서 말했듯이 인생을 조금만 넓게 그리고 앞을 바라보면 그것은 "foresight"이고, 깊게 생각한다면 그것은 "insight"이란다. 이러한 선견(foresight)과 통찰력(insight)을 기르면 지금 당장 듣기 싫은 엄마의 잔소리도 너에게 도움이 되는 아주 귀중한 경험이 될것이고 엄마의 사랑을 너희가 더 깊이 이해하게 될것이라고 믿는다.

아빠는 그것을 조화(balance)라고 본다. 또 그것이 부모로서 너희에게 반드시 해주어야할 책임이라고 생각한다. One parent is open and liberal and the other is conservative!

그것을 통해서 너희들이 균형있게 자랄수 있다고 확신한다. 어느 누가 좋고 나쁜것이 아니라 오히려 그런 부모를 통해서 인생을 지혜롭게 바라보는 능력을 배우고 이것이 하나님이 이 세상에 음과 양을 만드신 목적이라고 생각하고 아빠 엄마 모두 너희들을 하늘만큼 땅만큼 사랑한다는 점에서는 공통분모를 이룬다.

마지막으로 성경에서 한구절을 인용하니 꼭 마음에 간직하거라

좌로나 우로나 치우치지 말고 네 발을 악에서 떠나게 하라 (잠언 4:27)
Do not swerve to the right or the left, keep your foot from evil (Proverbs 4:27)

2016년 5월 18일 수요일

Father-Son Hangout 2

The last day of Brian's junior year

상욱이가 벌써 대학교3학년을 마쳤다. 오늘은 마지막 시험이 있었고 내일 새벽에 친구들 (윤식, Mac and Tim Chong)과 함께 시카고에 1박2일로 여행을 떠나고 돌아오자마자 엄마랑 함께 텍사스에 일주일간 다니러간다. 일년동안 수고함을 위로해줄겸 내가 학교근처로 가서 함께 저녁을 먹었다. 밥을 제대로 먹지 못해서인지 다래원에 가고싶다길래 그곳에서 저녁을 먹고 스타벅스에서 커피한잔을 나누면서 이런저런 이야기를 나누었다.

상욱이가 작년 고난주간에 시작한 블로그 (Tell it how it is, http://fromwherebkstands.tumblr.com), 그리고 자기는 글쓰는 재주가 있다고 하였고,

내가 아이에게 전해준 메세지는 기도하는 사람이 되라는것이었다.

Pray for good mentor
Pray for good friends
Pray for good wife

특히, 미래의 배우자를 위해서는 지금부터 계속 꾸준히 기도하라고 당부하였다. 인생의 반 이상을 같이 할 평생의 친구같은 아내를 위해 하나님께 구하라. 그리하면 주실것이다.

또한, 올해부터 쓰기 시작한 금전출납부를 관리하면서 돈을 "잘 쓰는" 사람이 되기를 당부하였다. 지금은 한달 수입이 600불밖에 되질 않아서 크게 신경끄지 않아도 되지만 나중에 가정을 이루어 가장으로서 생활을 잘 꾸려나가기 위해서는 지금부터 훈련이 필요하고 특히 아무리 수입이 적더라도 반드시 "저축하는 습관"을 기르라고 부탁하였다. 애들 엄마가 저축의 은사가 있으니 반드시 배워야할 점이고 어떻게하면 돈을 모을수 있는지는 엄마한테 배우라고 하였다.

그리고, 지난주에 태욱이에게 전해준 메세지중에서 흐름의 중요성을 말해주면서 건강한 흐름이 생길때 정의로운 사회가 되고 그것이 바로 하나님 나라! 반드시 주위에 어려운 사람들을 도와주면서 살아가라고 부탁도 하였다.

나와 성격이 많이 비슷해서 말이 별로 없지만 상욱이를 보고 있노라면 그저 듬직하고 속이 넓고 깊은 마음이 나에게도 전해져서 특히 자랑스럽다.

기도의 비밀과 반드시 응답하시는 하나님에 대해서 이야기를 나눈후 기도부탁할것 있으면 아빠가 100번은 기도해준다고 약속하고 헤어졌다.

2016년 5월 11일 수요일

Father-Son Hangout 1

태욱이와의 첫번째 Eat Out at Black Hog BBQ, Urbana

하나님은 공평하신가?
아니다. 출생부터 불공평하다. 하지만 이런 불공평에는 하나님의 의도가 있다
흐름의 중요성.
물은 흘러야 산다, 돈도 흘러야한다. 돈의 흐름을 연구하는것이 경제학이다.
흐름의 법칙.
高低長短强弱. 높은데서 낮은데로 강한곳에서 약한곳으로 부한곳에서 가난한곳으로.
흐름을 위해서 하나님이 이 세상을 불공평하게 만들어 놓았다.

그런데, 죄성을 가진 인간이 흐름을 바꾸어 놓았다
약한데서 강한데로, 낮은곳에서 높은곳으로, 가난한데서 부한데로
흐름이 생명이다. 물, 공기는 순환되고 흘러야한다.
고여있으면 죽은것이다.

높은곳에서 낮은곳으로, 강한데서약한데로, 부한 곳에서 가난한곳으로 흘러야 생명이 살아난다. 물은 높은곳에 있어서도 안되고, 낮은곳에 있어서도 안된다. 물은 높은데서 낮은데로 흘러가야 그 힘이 나온다. 낮아져야 진정한 파워가 생기는것이다. 예수님의 삶이 그러하셨다

로마서15장 1절
믿음이 강한 우리는 마땅히 믿음이 약한 자의 약점을 담당하고 자기를 기쁘게 하지 아니할 것이라.We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves

마태복음 10장 42절
소자 중 하나에게 냉수 한 그릇이라도 주는 자는 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 그 사람이 결단코 상을 잃지 아니하리라
If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.

말씀 참조 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfqs5EyUf_Q (세바시 15분 13회 - 잘 사는 것 VS 잘 살게 하는 것, 김동호 목사)


2016년 5월 10일 화요일

Ten Tips for Father and Son Bonding

10 Make Time
We're all busy, but no matter how packed your schedule is, it's important to set aside time every week to hang out with your son. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be a scheduled multi-hour event (though it can be if you want). Proclaim every Wednesday evening father and son pizza night, or make time every Saturday afternoon to play catch with your kid.

It doesn't matter when it is or what you do -- just having that time scheduled together every week will strengthen your relationship and give you both something to look forward to.

9 Get Out of the House
It's where you eat, sleep, play and argue. Your home is many things, but being the best place to bond with your son isn't always one of them. Sure, it's fine to sit back and watch a game together on the living room TV or teach him how to grill steaks in the backyard, but sometimes it's good to break out of a familiar setting and hit the road (even if only for a few blocks) for some bonding adventures.

Go downtown to watch the game in person, or head to the park for a jog instead of sitting on the couch. Find a good barbecue restaurant in your area in place of firing up the grill. It's not that home is a bad place for bonding -- it's just sometimes easier to share meaningful one-on-one time away from the rest of the family and that overly familiar environment.

8 Ask for His Help
While we can't underestimate the importance of setting aside time together, any activity at home, from taking out the trash to painting the deck, can also be turned into a father and son bonding experience. You may think he wants to sit back and play video games all day (and he'll probably even tell you as much), but you might be surprised by how eager he is to help you complete some chores around the house if you ask. Of course, asking him to help change the oil in your car doesn't guarantee the two of you are about to make happy, lifelong father-son memories, but it's a great place to start.

7 Listen to Him
It's easy for us adults to forget how hard it is being a kid. Children don't have to worry about earning a living, maintaining a marriage or paying a mortgage, but juggling school, homework, tests and a social life isn't easy, so make sure you listen to what your kid has to say. Just ask him how things are going over dinner, a movie or whatever -- you may have to pry a bit a first, but stick with it. As soon as he starts opening up, you'll be amazed by how complicated his life is, and just the simple act of listening will bring you closer together.

6 Can Your Criticism
This can be a hard one, but it's mandatory. No kid is ever going to do exactly what you want all the time, but even if your son's recent actions make you feel more like a prison warden than a dad, don't drag your frustrations into your bonding time with the boy. It doesn't matter if he forgot to take out the trash, got into a fight at school or was just mouthing off. If you're angry, aggravated or upset enough that you're not going to be able to let it go during your one-on-one time, put off that bonding activity you've got scheduled until you get over those feelings. It's one thing to let him know what he did was wrong; it's another to allow your time together devolve into a multi-hour lecture or screaming match.

5 Be Positive
If you really want to bond with your son, canning your criticism isn't going to be enough. You've got to exhibit a positive attitude when you're around your son. Like everybody else in this world, he just wants to feel loved, and sometimes the best way to show him how much you care is to simply tell him. Even if you're the kind of guy who doesn't like to express his feelings, you can still let him know how proud you are of him. Point to something he's done recently and tell him that he did a good job, or just make an effort to say something positive to him every day. Of course, a simple "I love you" will also always do the trick.

4 Do Something He Wants to Do
Everyone has their own interests, and it's natural for your boy to want to learn more about what he finds exciting. This may be an interest you both share, like NASCAR or the Atlanta Thrashers, or it may be something you're not so keen on, such as monster truck racing and Little League hockey.

As a dad, one of your principle duties is to help your son discover who he is, and if sitting with your boy in an amphitheater that reeks of exhaust for a few hours or freezing your backside off at an ice rink helps him do it, then it's bonding time well spent.

Besides, whether you share all his interests or not, watching your son develop into the man he's going to be will be well worth a frozen tush, we promise.

3 Show Him Who You Are
Of course, not everything should be about your boy. It's just as important to show him who you are and let him in on your interests. If you frequently play poker with friends, bring him to a game and teach him how to play. If you love American history, educate him about the Founding Fathers and take him to nearby historical landmarks (history is everywhere, so you should be able to find places of interest no matter where you live). We can't promise he's going to grow up to be a professional poker player or a historian -- or even take an interest in your hobbies -- but you'll both enjoy spending quality time together.

2 Focus on What You Have in Common
You may share genes, but it's only natural that you and your son have different interests. Even if he looks just like you, he's a completely different person. The father and son bonding time you spend together will sometimes be about you, other times it'll be about him. But the majority of your time together should be about compromise and focus on what you have in common.

So, if you were the star high school quarterback and he couldn't give a kick about sports, instead of dragging him to countless football games in the hope that he'll learn to love it, spend a weekend pursuing your mutual love of classic muscle cars at an auto show or car auction. Catching a game every now and again is fine, but neither of you is going to have a good time if there's any sort of pressure involved. Just relax and find something you both want to do.

1 Teach Him to Be a Man

He might not say it very often (if at all), but your son looks up to you. You're the primary male influence in his life, so virtually everything he's going to learn about being a man is going to come from you. Keep this fact in mind when the two of you spend time together. Lead by example. Show him how to be a humble winner and a gracious loser. Teach him the value of hard work and the importance of seeing projects through to the end. This may all sound a bit cliché, and you can be a spoilsport and a sore loser and still bond with your boy, but you'll teach him so much more by showing him how to act like the man you want him to be. Remember that you're more than your son's dad -- you're his role model.


2016년 5월 9일 월요일

내 생애 첫블로그를 시작하면서

2016년 3월25일(Good Friday)은 아마도 내 인생에서 잊어버릴수 없는 날로 기억될것 같다. 학교에서 일하고 있는데 은아로부터 다급한 전화가 울렸고 리오가 갑자기 걷지를 못한다는 것이었다. 마침 봄방학이라서 집에 있던 태욱이가 엄마를 도와서 QO Vet Hospital로 달려갔고 나는 Georgetown에서 병원으로 직접 가서 수의사를 만나보았더니, 척추디스크 아니면 stroke이라고 하면서 specialty한테 가보기를 추천하였고 우리는 그길로 E.Gude  Drive에 있는 Hope Advanced Vet Center로 가서 전문의를 만나본결과 MRI를 찍어봐야 원인을 안다기에 그 비용이 너무 비싸서 포기하고 리오를 그냥 집으로 데리고 왔는데 정말 기적적으로 그 다음날부터 보조기구의 도움으로 일어서기 시작하더니 일요일 (Easter Sunday)에는 자기 혼자힘으로 불완전하지만 걷기시작하는것이었다. 한달후에 다시 찾아간 리오 담당Vet도 놀라면서 정말 기적이고 자기는 굉장히 놀랐다고 (she was thrilled)하였고 지금의 리오는 거의 99%회복된 상태이다.

지난 한달여간 이 과정을 지켜보면서 처음에는 사람도 아닌 애완견의 똥오줌까지 받아내야하는 걱정이 있었던것이 사실이었음을 고백한다. 지난 7년간 한집에서 지내온 강아지가 나이가 들어 이제는 병이들어 힘들어하고 그로 인해 리오를 안락사시켜야 할지도 모르는 불투명한 미래로 인해 집사람과 큰아이가 흘린 눈물, 그러나 마치 예수님이 3일만에 부활하신것처럼 똑같은 시기에 이런 일이 일어나고 또 리오가 정상적으로 돌아온것을 보면서 하나님의 존재를 믿는 나에게는 이번 사건이 그냥 간과할수 없는 내인생에 굉장히 의미있는 사건으로 자리매김하였다.

사실, 이 일이 일어나기전에 나의 신앙상태가 downhill이었다. 새벽기도를 가도 졸기 일쑤이고, 큐티를 놓은지도 오래였고, 설교말씀도 귀에 안들어오는등...

나는 하나님이 선하심을 믿는다. 내가 믿는 좋으신 하나님께서 리오를 통해 나에게 간접적으로 warning을 주셨다고 믿는다. 마치 구약시대때 선지자들을 통해서 그분이 사랑하시는 이스라엘 백성들에게 경고하셨듯이 하나님께서 나를 너무 아끼시고 사랑하시기에 직접 나를 치시지 아니하시고 내 주변을 통해 말씀하셨다고 믿는다.

이 사건 이후, 나는 정말로 많은 생각을 하게 되었고 많은 행동의 변화를 가져오게 되었다. 우선 새벽예배기도를 진심으로 하게되었고 이로 인해 주님과의 막힌 기도의 통로가 뚫리자 다양한 루트를 통해 하나님께서 말씀하시고 계신다.

근신하라 깨어라 너희 대적마귀가 우는 사자같이 두루 다니며 삼킬자를 찾나니 (벧전5:8)

하나님을 인격적으로 만난지 10여년이 지났고 그동안 그분의 살아계심을 수십번 경험하였고 이번 사건 역시, 세월이 지나가면 그런 수많았던 경험중의 하나로 묻히겠지만 그래도 나는 리오를 통해 경험한 하나님을 가장 오래동안 기억할것이다.

지난 6주동안 여러목사님 (김대영, 이동원, 이찬수, 김동호, 유기성, 노진준, 김기석, 김형준: 이상은 내가 매주 follow하는 목사님들) 들의 설교와 개인묵상을 통해 나의 신앙이 조금 더 성숙했으며 어제 Mothers day를 비롯하여 가정의 달 5월을 맞이하면서 앞으로의 계획을 이곳에 남기려한다.

1) 신앙생활의 기본(말씀과 기도)은 반드시 지킨다
2) 삶의 기록 (일기쓰기와 생각의 단상을 Tweeter, S-note, Tumblr등에 남기는 일)을 계속한다
3) 끝으로, 이것은 새로운 시도인데, 아이들에게 꼭 가르쳐야할것을 앞으로 이 블로그를 통해서 기록하려고 한다. 특히 아이들과의 대화 내용을 기록으로 남김으로써 (한글, 영어 공용), 돈이 아닌 신앙을 믿음의 유산으로 남겨주려고 한다.

내 어릴적 아버지가 나와 준식이를 매주 뒷산으로 데리고 가셔서 인생교훈을 가르쳐 주신것처럼,나도 사랑하는 두 아이 상욱, 태욱에게 더 좋은것을 주려고 한다. 다소 늦은감이 있긴 하지만, 이중언어권에 살아가면서 아이들과의 교감을 형성하고 부모 자식간의 벽을 될수 있으면 낮추어보려고 노력할것이다.

구체적 행동으로는, 우선 집이라는 물리적인 울타리를 떠나 아이들과 일대일로 만나서 이야기할수 있는 공간/기회를 만들것이다. 일대일로 외식을 하면서 아이들에게 들려주고 싶은 이야기를 하던지, 아니면 같이 여행을 하던지...방법이야 찾아보면 많을것이다.

모임을 하기 전에는 반드시 내가 해주고 싶은 말들을 미리 정리하고 계획할것이며, 모임후에는 follow up을 하고, 또한 그런 모임을 정기적으로 하려고 한다.

과연 이러한 모임이 시작도 안한 지금 상태에서 얼마나 오래갈지는 모르지만, 주님을 사랑하는 마음으로 자식을 사랑하는 내 마음이 아이들에게 전해져서 이 땅에서 살아갈 나의 손자, 손녀들에게도 하나님의 사랑이 대대로 전해지기를 간절히 소원하면서 "BDK STORY"의 첫블로그를 마치려고 한다.